Jojo Rabbit (2019)

Field Marshal Shea & Dave, you're our top men. Prepare to podcast about Jojo Rabbit. One of our favourite films in a year of strong films (our third pod on 2019 films, in fact), Jojo Rabbit hit us straight in the feels in all the right ways. We discuss, among many things, the strong performances from the entire incredible cast, Taika Waititi's inspiration & journey to making Jojo, the fine art of satire in film, & why this film is so powerful but also so misunderstood. Chew on some grapes with us & take a journey into one of the most important films in recent years, Taika Waititi's Jojo Rabbit.
All rights for audio/music from the film Jojo Rabbit, 'Heroes' as performed by David Bowie, & all relevant/associated entities used in this podcast production remain with the creator and all rights holders associated, and are used only under the proviso of the fair use act in regards to critique. 
Pints & Popcorn